Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2 Corinthians 5:14

"Whatever we do, it is because Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for everyone, we also believe that we have all died to the old life we used to live."

If you are a believer, in what ways have you died to the old life you used to live?

As I’ve written before, becoming a parent changed what media influences I allow in my life. Since college, I’ve watched the local news at noon on the CBS affiliate to stay informed. About when my oldest child turned two, I realized that the police beat stories at the top of the news were too graphic for his wide blue eyes and eager ears, much less the commercials for CSI: Miami in between. Since we have Dish Network, I can hit “Info” and a blue box covers most of the screen. So I’ve learned to hit mute during the top of the news, and to block out commercials with the info screen. Now that I’ve practiced this for a few years, I know the graphic content isn’t necessary for me, either.

Dying to our old lives is a process, not a one-time shot. Maybe you or someone you knew had a dramatic, Saul-like conversion from a blatantly sinful lifestyle. Or maybe you’ve been a Christian all your life, but as you’ve grown in your faithwalk, your conscience has been pricked and you don’t do the same things anymore. Maybe you cut back on drinking or you gave up toxic friendships. Maybe you catch yourself before your conversation turns to gossip, or you skip the soap operas in favor of a non-racy novel.

Whatever it is, if you’re already doing something different and you’re a believer, it’s probably because you’re being made more like Christ. But if you’re resisting the temptation to return to your worldly lifestyle, you must rely on Jesus to provide the help you need…otherwise you’re on your own! It’s risky to rely on willpower, because we’re all naturally bent toward sin. So ask God to help you become less like the world and more like Jesus today. He will always answer that prayer in a practical way, if you are willing to accept his help.

The world needs to know more salty and bright-light Christians (see Matthew 5:13-16). It’s important that if you call yourself a follower of Jesus, your lifestyle is different from that of the world. If your lifestyle hasn’t become more holy as your faith has grown, ask God to examine your heart and show you ways that you can die to any habits that aren’t Christlike. Your lifestyle could have an eternal impact on the people who know you, so ask yourself again: in what ways have you died to the old life you used to live?

Copyright 2009

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