Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1 Corinthians 1:7-8

"Now you have every spiritual gift you need as you eagerly wait for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will keep you strong right up to the end, and he will keep you free from all blame on the great day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns."

It's interesting that the first-century Corinthians were eagerly awaiting Christ's return, as if they expected it to happen during their lifetimes. I confess that on most days, it's not something to which I give much thought, even though I am surely living in times closer to the end. My life as a mom is so "daily," bogged down in the details like diapers, dishes, appointments, phone calls, meal planning, and trying to save any leftover energy for my husband, myself, or even prayer. Also, I grew up in the church and went to private Christian schools, but not in a denomination that regularly discussed end times. I knew that Jesus had promised to return, but I had never explored the topic in-depth myself.

In fact, I don't remember hearing anything significant about the second coming until I listened to a Focus on the Family broadcast about two years ago, and I was riveted. When I heard that some scholars think we live now perhaps only decades away from Christ's return, I was fascinated, but frankly, also scared, having never considered it before. Since then I've done some of my own research, and it helped me to study Matthew 24 and 25 in my Bible Study Fellowship class. What I learned is that instead of being afraid, I should channel that energy into living every day as if Christ's return is imminent. In my life, that means being the best wife, mother, friend, and family member possible, taking every opportunity to share the gospel, because the days are indeed short.

Even though my days as a mom are so busy, I try to remember that life won't always be this hard, and that I'm not really created to live in this world. Someday I'll be able to see this God I worship face-to-face, and that gives me such peace, and perspective on my problems. When I get really weighed down, I turn to Revelation 21 and 22, and read about my eternal home, and I am encouraged. And I'm also encouraged by today's verse, knowing that I have all I need--spiritual gifts, strength, and freedom from blame--until Jesus returns. Does this verse challenge and encourage you as well?

Copyright 2009

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