Thursday, August 27, 2009

2 Corinthians 1:21-22

“It is God who gives us, along with you, the ability to stand firm for Christ. He has commissioned us, and he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment of everything he will give us.”

How are you standing firm for Christ? It takes courage and God’s power to stand firm for your Christian beliefs, especially when you may face rejection or criticism. Once I found myself in a conversation when everyone else was okay with software piracy, and I was not. I said a quick prayer, then shared my views on why that is actually stealing, and how it violates my principles as a believer. I know God empowered me to share my opinion in a loving, respectful way while still upholding what is true in his law.

What is your unique commission for the Lord? Paul and his friends were commissioned to spread the Gospel to first-century Gentiles. You may feel that your own commission or calling isn’t as important, but God has called each of us to make an eternal impact upon our own spheres of influence. Think about your talents, abilities, and experience, and how you can use them to lead people to Christ.

How do you know if the Holy Spirit dwells in your heart? One way to tell is if you are bearing the fruits of the spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23 for a list). I’ve noticed that as my faithwalk has grown, my amount of spiritual fruit has increased in proportion, especially during trials. Even as my trials increase, I can bear more love, joy, peace, and the like because the Holy Spirit enables the growth.

What other things do you imagine is included in “everything” he will give us? As I’ve posted before, I am just amazed that a person of the Trinity dwells in my heart to empower me every day! If I have that now on earth, as a finite, weak creature, how much more will I experience in heaven someday when my life is restored to God’s perfect design! Does knowing this spur you to praise God and lift your thoughts beyond this temporal world?

Copyright 2009

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