Thursday, August 13, 2009

Psalm 33:2-3

“Praise the Lord with melodies on the lyre; make music for him on the ten-stringed harp. Sing new songs of praise to him; play skillfully on the harp and sing with joy.”

Do you praise God through music regularly? Not just by singing at church, or perhaps playing an instrument there. I mean, is it part of your personal worship time every day?

I’ve found this habit easier to practice since I started listening to the local contemporary Christian radio station a couple years ago. My mom friends introduced me to it, saying that it gave them a family-friendly option for radio music while driving. To be honest, I was skeptical and resistant at first. I didn’t want to give up my loyalty to country music, and I thought that the Christian music might be lower-quality. But I was pleasantly surprised by the changes.

By listening to Christian music, I became aware of how country music is often sad or questionable in content. I still enjoy country music every now and then, but I am more mindful of the lyrics and how they affect my mood. In comparison, my spirit is uplifted when I listen to praise music, because it shifts my focus onto God. And for my tastes, much of Christian music is just as well-produced as other music.

I also marvel at how God speaks to me through Christian music. I will be driving and listening, and suddenly the lyrics speak right into my situation. When this happens I’m always encouraged, and I thank God for using those songs to reveal himself.

Singing along with the songs is part of my daily worship. When I’m driving I’ll sing along (maybe not at intersections though, because I’m self-conscious). I also find myself singing somewhat unintentionally during repetitive tasks, like gardening or hand-washing dishes. It’s nice to know Christian music now, so that my task-time singing glorifies God. I smile when I hear my children singing praise songs as they play, and I imagine that makes God smile too—hearing any of us singing praise to him during everyday activities.

I’m sure that God loves to hear our songs of praise, whether we are musically gifted or not. Will you offer praise today by singing to Him?

Copyright 2009


  1. I've come to love listening to contemporary Christian music stations, as well, Sarah. Unlike you, however, I'm known for being caught singing out loud at intersections...with hands raised in air! (One hand raised, one hand on steering wheel, of course). :-)


  2. I've come to love listening to contemporary Christian music stations, as well, Sarah. Unlike you, however, I'm known for being caught singing out loud at intersections...with hands raised in air! (One hand raised, one hand on steering wheel, of course.) :-)

